Problem description: It generally happens when the Java program that you are running is unable to trust the SSL certificate assigned to the application URL. Reason could be- you are using SSL certificate issued by your internal CA or it is self signed SSL cert or the cacerts file is not updated one.
Resolution: Follow the steps mentioned below to resolve the issue.
a. Locate the cacerts file, generally it is inside “jre\lib\security” under your JAVA program, copy it to somewhere else like c:\temp and then add your SSL cert to this file. See the command below-
keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore “C:\temp\cacerts” -storepass changeit -noprompt -alias MyCert1 -file “C:\Certs\YourAPP_SSL_CERT.cer”
You can find keytool.exe inside bin directory of yur JAVA program.
b. Now add following parameters to your JAVA program’s options\temp\cacerts